Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Burnt Offerings

Hey girls,

In our reading the other day we read "I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing."

It made me think of 2 things:

1. Our offerings have to cost us something. Confession is difficult, yes, but not really costly. Maybe our reputation or people's view of us, but obedience is what really makes is hurt. You have to say no when you want to say yes, to die to self, to take up the cross. Wow. That makes confession look almost easy.
2. They have to burn. I keep thinking about putting things up on the altar, but we can't just set them there and walk off. That makes it way too easy to come back and try to sneak things back off. We have to burn them, cut off all contact, make a clean break, replace them with something new, leaving nothing of the old. That's painful.

Praise God he gives grace! I was talking to Mrs. Perry the other day, and we would be so lost, so exhausted and unable if it weren't for the power of the Holy Spirit. But to get that: disciplined, holy life.

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