Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey Sisters,

Just really quick, I wanted to share something that God spoke to me. Again, through C.S. Lewis ;) (I just finished Surprised by Joy).

Lewis pointed out that there is a difference between being selfish and being self-centered. We can be selfish--taking everything for ourselves, always acting in our own best interests--without being self-centered. And we can be self-centered--Always talking about ourselves, thinking about ourselves, focusing on ourselves, without being selfish. Do you see the difference? And he pointed out that, while both are wrong, it's far less pleasant to be around someone who is self-centered than someone who is just selfish.

Well, this really convicted me, because even though I'm usually (usually, not always) willing to give up something for something else, I'm still always thinking of myself. Pride (seems like everything goes back to pride, huh?)

I know in my friendships I've often been self-centered. I often end up talking about myself--partially because I want to, and partially because I'm too lazy to think of questions to ask the other person.

I tend to see everything by how it relates to me, how it involves me. Instead, I want to forget about myself, and see God and his people.

Hehe, just thought of that song we used to sing in Junior Church:
JOY, JOY, this is what it means:
Jesus first, myself last, and others in between! ;)

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