Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How Bout Something Super Practical?

Hey girls,

Lately my dad has been challenging me to remember that our money is God's--and we are called to be stewards of that. One thing Pastor does is pray before he spends any money. My question for you is, what do you do (practically) to save money/be a better steward of that money? Please comment in the comments section, or just click on 'edit post' and add to this one! :)

My ideas:

*Bring diet coke to work (~$6 for 12 cans) and leave it in the fridge instead of getting soda at a fast food place (~$2 for 1 drink)...savings? About $15-18 for 12 drinks!

*Have a girls night and do each others' nails while watching a movie instead of going out. Even with pizza, that's about, what? $6 each between 3 people? (or better yet, Papa Murphys...) As compared to $10 movie ticket + $10 dinner + $25 mani/pedi? You save about $40!

*Refill and reuse water bottles


  1. -Pack lunch

    -give yourself a "spend on yourself" limit for the month, makes you much wiser about what you buy

  2. Go for walks with each other: Not only do you get exercise, but free fellowship as well!

  3. Train yourself to always get the smallest size of everything...small coffee, small ice cream, small fries, small Jamba. firstly, even 50 cents here and there can add up over the month. secondly, the small sizes are actually the portions that we need nutritionally!

  4. Ooh Rachel I like that one! And I tend to notice I'm full even with the small size anyway :)

  5. I try to ask myself "if money were really tight right now, would I consider this a necessity?" Or "why do I feel the need to own this item rather than renting it or checking it out?"
    Finding my motives really helps clarify my mind.
